Exchange rates: 1 EUR = 4.69 PLN; 1 USD = 4.4 PLN [more...]
Language: polski english

* Standard profile

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*This company has only Standard profile.
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Business type: Other
Business type: Local market
Number of employees: 5 - 10
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 2014

Electronics, electrical engineering

Business services

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Firm Rank: 0

ilovemyphone is a leading Mobile Phone Accessories store. Find the perfect accessories for your mobile phone. We present a Cheap, Quality, Wholesale, Mobile phone accessories for all mobile phone models in Australian, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney market. Building on a tradition of success and satisfaction, stocks a inclusive range of accessories for every purpose.

Address data

Street:south australia
Postal code:5087
Phone: +6142 425 822318
Fax: +61 425 822318


Contact person

Name and Surname: ilovemy phone
Phone: +6142 425 822318
Mobile: +61 425822318
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